Search Results: "martin"

3 November 2020

Martin-Éric Racine: Adding IPv6 support to my home LAN

A couple of year ago, I moved into a new flat that comes with RJ45 sockets wired for 10 Gigabit (but currently offering 1 Gigabit) Ethernet.This also meant changing the settings on my router box for my new ISP.I took this opportunity to review my router's other settings too. I'll be blogging about these over the next few posts. Adding IPv6 support to my home LAN I have been following the evolution of IPv6 ever since the KAME project produced the first IPv6 implementation. I have also been keeping track of the IPv4 address depletion. Around the time the IPv6 Day was organized in 2011, I started investigating the situation of IPv6 support at local ISPs. Well, never mind all those rumors about Finland being some high-tech mecca. Back then, no ISP went beyond testing their routers for IPv6 compatibility and producing white papers on what their limited test deployments accomplished. Not that it matters much, in practice. Most IPv6 documentation out there, including Debian's own, still focuses on configuring transitional mechanisms, especially how to connect to a public IPv6 tunnel broker. Relocating to a new flat and rethinking my home network to match gave me an opportunity to revisit the topic. Much to my delight, my current ISP offers native IPv6. This prompted me to go back and read up on IPv6 one more time. One important detail: IPv6 hosts are globally reachable. The implications of this don't immediately spring to mind for someone used to IPv4 network address translation (NAT): Any network service running on an IPv6 host can be reached by anyone anywhere. Contrary to IPv4, there is no division between private and public IP addresses. Whereas a device behind an IPv4 NAT essentially is shielded from the outside world, IPv6 breaks this assumption in more than one way. Not only is the host reachable from anywhere, its default IPv6 address is a mathematical conversion (EUI-64) of the network interface's MAC address, which makes every connection forensically traceable to a unique device. Basically, if you hadn't given much thought to firewalls until now, IPv6 should give you enough goose bumps to get around it. Tightening the configuration of every network service is also an absolute must. For instance, I configured sshd to only listen to private IPv4 addresses. What /etc/network/interfaces might look like on an dual-stack (IPv4 + IPv6) host:
allow-hotplug enp9s0
iface enp9s0 inet dhcp
iface enp9s0 inet6 auto
	privext 2
	dhcp 1
The auto method means that IPv6 will be auto-configured using SLAAC; privext 2 enables IPv6 privacy options and specifies that we prefer connecting via the randomly-generated IPv6 address, rather than the EUI-64 calculated MAC specific address; dhcp 1 enables passive DHCPv6 to fetch additional routing information. The above works for most desktop and laptop configurations. Where things got more complicated is on the router. I decided early on to keep NAT to provide an IPv4 route to the outside world. Now how exactly is IPv6 routing done? Every node along the line must have its own IPv6 address... including the router's LAN interface. This is accomplished using the sample script found in Debian's IPv6 prefix delegation wiki page. I modified mine as follows (the rest of the script is omitted for clarity):
#Both LAN interfaces on my private network are bridged via br0
Just put the script at the suggested location. We'll need to request a prefix on the router's outside interface to utilize it. This gives us the following interfaces file:
allow-hotplug enp2s4 enp2s8 enp2s9
auto br0
iface enp2s4 inet dhcp
iface enp2s4 inet6 auto
	request_prefix 1
	privext 2
	dhcp 1
iface enp2s8 inet manual
iface enp2s8 inet6 manual
iface enp2s9 inet manual
iface enp2s9 inet6 manual
iface br0 inet static
	bridge_ports enp2s8 enp2s9
iface br0 inet6 manual
	bridge_ports enp2s8 enp2s9
	# IPv6 from /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/prefix_delegation
The IPv4 NAT and IPv6 Bridge script on my router looks as follows:
# IPv4 NAT
iptables -F; iptables -t nat -F; iptables -t mangle -F
iptables -X; iptables -t nat -X; iptables -t mangle -X
iptables -Z; iptables -t nat -Z; iptables -t mangle -Z
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o $wan -j MASQUERADE
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
# IPv6 bridge
ip6tables -F; ip6tables -X; ip6tables -Z
# Default policy DROP
ip6tables -P FORWARD DROP
# Allow ICMPv6 forwarding
ip6tables -A FORWARD -p ipv6-icmp -j ACCEPT
# Allow established connections
ip6tables -I FORWARD -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# Accept packets FROM LAN to everywhere
ip6tables -I FORWARD -i $lan -j ACCEPT
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/all/forwarding
echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/forwarding
# IPv6 propagation via /etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/prefix_delegation
The above already provided enough IPv6 connectivity to pass the IPv6 test on my desktop inside the LAN. To make things more fun, I enabled DHCPv6 support for my LAN on the router's dnsmasq by adding the last 3 lines to the configuration:
The 5 first lines (included here for emphasis) are extremely important: they ensure that dnsmasq won't provide any IPv4 or IPv6 service to the outside interface (enp2s4) and that DHCP will only be provided for LAN hosts whose MAC address is known. Line 6 shows how dnsmasq's DHCP service syntax differs between IPv4 and IPv6. The rest of my configuration was omitted on purpose. Enabling native IPv6 on my LAN has been an interesting experiment. I'm sure that someone could come up with even better ip6tables rules for the router or for my desktop hosts. Feel free to mention them in the blog's comment.

Martin-Éric Racine: GRUB fine-tuning

A couple of years ago, I moved into a new flat that comes with RJ45 sockets wired for 10 Gigabit (but currently offering 1 Gigabit) Ethernet.This also meant changing the settings on my router box for my new ISP.I took this opportunity to review my router's other settings too. I'll be blogging about these over the next few posts. GRUB fine-tuning One thing that had been annoying me ever since Debian migrated to systemd as /sbin/init is that boot message verbosity hasn't been the same. Previously, the cmdline option quiet merely suppressed the kernel's output to the bootscreen, but left the daemon startup messages alone. Not anymore. Nowadays, quiet produces a blank screen. After some googling, I found the solution to that: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="noquiet loglevel=5" The former restores daemon startup messages, while the later makes the kernel output only significant notices or more serious messages. On most of my hosts, it mostly reports inconsistencies in the ACPI configuration of the BIOS. Another setting I find useful is a reboot delay in case a kernel panic happens: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="panic=15" This gives me enough time to snap a picture of the screen output to attach to the bug report that will follow.

Martin Michlmayr: ledger2beancount 2.5 released

I released version 2.5 of ledger2beancount, a ledger to beancount converter. Here are the changes in 2.5: Thanks to input from Remco R nders, Yuri Khan, and Thierry. Thanks to Stefano Zacchiroli and Kirill Goncharov for testing my changes. You can get ledger2beancount from GitHub

27 July 2020

Martin Michlmayr: ledger2beancount 2.4 released

I released version 2.4 of ledger2beancount, a ledger to beancount converter. There are two notable changes in this release:
  1. I fixed two regressions introduced in the last release. Sorry about the breakage!
  2. I improved support for hledger. I believe all syntax differences in hledger are supported now.
Here are the changes in 2.4: Thanks to Kirill Goncharov for pointing out one regressions, to Taylor R Campbell for for a patch, to Stefano Zacchiroli for some input, and finally to Simon Michael for input on hledger! You can get ledger2beancount from GitHub

24 July 2020

Martin Michlmayr: beancount2ledger 1.1 released

Martin Blais recently announced that he'd like to re-organize the beancount code and split out some functionality into separate projects, including the beancount to ledger/hledger conversion code previously provided by bean-report. I agreed to take on the maintenance of this code and I've now released beancount2ledger, a beancount to ledger/hledger converter. You can install beancount2ledger with pip:
pip3 install beancount2ledger
Please report issues to the GitHub tracker. There are a number of outstanding issues I'll fix soon, but please report any other issues you encounter. Note that I'm not very familiar with hledger. I intend to sync up with hledger author Simon Michael soon, but please file an issue if you notice any problems with the hledger conversion. Version 1.1 contains a number of fixes compared to the latest code in bean-report: 1.1 (2020-07-24) 1.0 (2020-07-22)

26 June 2020

Martin Michlmayr: ledger2beancount 2.3 released

I released version 2.3 of ledger2beancount, a ledger to beancount converter. There are three notable changes with this release:
  1. Performance has significantly improved. One large, real-world test case has gone from around 160 seconds to 33 seconds. A smaller test case has gone from 11 seconds to ~3.5 seconds.
  2. The documentation is available online now (via Read the Docs).
  3. The repository has moved to the beancount GitHub organization.
Here are the changes in 2.3: Thanks to Colin Dean for some feedback. Thanks to Stefano Zacchiroli for prompting me into investigating performance issues (and thanks to the developers of the Devel::NYTProf profiler). You can get ledger2beancount from GitHub

11 June 2020

Markus Koschany: My Free Software Activities in May 2020

Welcome to Here is my monthly report (+ the first week in June) that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you. Debian Games
Debian Java Misc Debian LTS This was my 51. month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 25 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Rapha l Hertzog. In that time I did the following: ELTS Extended Long Term Support (ELTS) is a project led by Freexian to further extend the lifetime of Debian releases. It is not an official Debian project but all Debian users benefit from it without cost. The current ELTS release is Debian 7 Wheezy . This was my 24. month and I have been paid to work 9,25 hours on ELTS. Thanks for reading and see you next time.

1 June 2020

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities May 2020

Focus This month I didn't have any particular focus. I just worked on issues in my info bubble.




  • nsntrace: talk to upstream about collaborative maintenance
  • Debian: deploy changes, debug issue with GPS markers file generation, migrate bls/DUCK from alioth-archive to salsa
  • Debian website: ran map cron job, synced mirrors
  • Debian wiki: approve accounts, ping folks with bouncing email


Sponsors The apt-offline work and the libfile-libmagic-perl backports were sponsored. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

30 May 2020

Martin Michlmayr: ledger2beancount 2.2 released

I released version 2.2 of ledger2beancount, a ledger to beancount converter. Here are the changes in 2.2: You can get ledger2beancount from GitHub. Thanks to GitHub user MarinBernard for reporting a bug with virtual postings!

6 April 2020

Martin Michlmayr: ledger2beancount 2.1 released

I released version 2.1 of ledger2beancount, a ledger to beancount converter. Here are the changes in 2.1: You can get ledger2beancount from GitHub. Thanks to Thierry (thdox) for reporting a bug and for fixing some typos in the documentation. Thanks to Stefano Zacchiroli for some good feedback.

17 October 2017

Norbert Preining: Japanese TeX User Meeting 2017

Last saturday the Japanese TeX User Meeting took place in Fujisawa, Kanagawa. For those who have been at the TUG 2013 in Tokyo you will remember that the Japanese TeX community is quite big and vibrant. On Saturday about 50 users and developers gathered for a set of talks on a variety of topics. The first talk was by Keiichiro Shikano ( ) on using Markup text to generate (La)TeX and HTML. He presented a variety of markup formats, including his own tool xml2tex. The second talk was my Masamichi Hosoda ( ) on reducing the size of PDF files using PDFmark extraction. As a contributor to many projects including Texinfo and LilyPond, Masamichi Hosoda tells us horror stories about multiple font embedding in the manual of LilyPond, the permanent need for adaption to newer Ghostscript versions, and the very recent development in Ghostscript prohibiting the merge of font definitions in PDF files. Next up was Yusuke Terada ( ) on grading exams using TeX. Working through hundreds and hundreds of exams and do the grading is something many of us are used to and I think nobody really enjoys it. Yusuke Terada has combined various tools, including scans, pdf merging using pdfpages, to generate gradable PDF which were then checked on an iPad. On the way he did hit some limits in dvipdfmx on the number of images, but this was obviously only a small bump on the road. Now if that could be automatized as a nice application, it would be a big hit I guess! The forth talk was by Satoshi Yamashita ( ) on the preparation of slides using KETpic. KETpic is a long running project by Setsuo Takato ( ) for the generation of graphics, in particular using Cinderella. KETpic and KETcindy integrates with lots of algebraic and statistical programs (R, Maxima, SciLab, ) and has a long history of development. Currently there are activities to incorporate it into TeX Live. The fifth talk was by Takuto Asakura ( ) on programming TeX using expl3, the main building block of the LaTeX3 project and already adopted by many TeX developers. Takuto Asakura came to fame on this years TUG/BachoTeX 2017 when he won the W. J. Martin Prize for his presentation Implementing bioinformatics algorithms in TeX. I think we can expect great new developments from Takuto! The last talk was by myself on fmtutil and updmap, two of the main management programs in any TeX installation, presenting the changes introduced over the last year, including the most recent release of TeX Live. Details have been posted on my blog, and a lengthy article in TUGboat 38:2, 2017 is available on this topic, too. After the conference about half of the participants joined a social dinner in a nearby Izakaya, followed by a after-dinner beer tasting at a local craft beer place. Thanks to Tatsuyoshi Hamada for the organization. As usual, the Japanese TeX User Meetings are a great opportunity to discuss new features and make new friends. I am always grateful to be part of this very nice community! I am looking forward to the next year s meeting.

1 October 2017

Iain R. Learmonth: Free Software Efforts (2017W39)

Here s my weekly report for week 39 of 2017. In this week I have travelled to Berlin and caught up on some podcasts in doing so. I ve also had some trouble with the RSS feeds on my blog but hopefully this is all fixed now. Thanks to Martin Milbret I now have a replacement for my dead workstation, an HP Z600, and there will be a blog post about this new set up to come next week. Thanks also to S lvan and a number of others that made donations towards getting me up and running again. A breakdown of the donations and expenses can be found at the end of this post.

Debian Two of my packages measurement-kit from OONI and python-azure-devtools used to build the Azure Python SDK (packaged as python-azure) have been accepted by ftp-master into Debian s unstable suite. I have also sponsored uploads for comptext, comptty, fllog, flnet and gnustep-make. I had previously encouraged Eric Heintzmann to become a DM and I have given him DM upload privileges for the gnustep-make package as he has shown to care for the GNUstep packages well. Bugs closed (fixed/wontfix): #8751251, #8751261, #861753, #873083

Tor Project My Tor Project contributions this week were primarily attending the Tor Metrics meeting which I have reported on in a separate blog post.

Sustainability I believe it is important to be clear not only about the work I have already completed but also about the sustainability of this work into the future. I plan to include a short report on the current sustainability of my work in each weekly report. The replacement workstation arrived on Friday and is now up and running. In total I received 308.73 in donations and spent 36.89 on video adapters and 141.94 on replacement hard drives for my NAS (which includes my local Debian mirror and backups). For the Tor Metrics meeting in Berlin, Tor Project paid my flights and accommodation and I paid only for ground transport and food myself. The total cost for ground transport during the trip was 45.92 (taxi to airport, 1 Tageskarte) and total cost for food was 23.46. The current funds I have available for equipment, travel and other free software expenses is now 60.52. I do not believe that any hardware I rely on is looking at imminent failure.

  1. Fixed by a sponsored upload, not by my changes [return]

6 September 2017

Mike Gabriel: MATE 1.18 landed in Debian testing

This is to announce that finally all MATE Desktop 1.18 components have landed in Debian testing (aka buster). Credits Again a big thanks to the packaging team (esp. Vangelis Mouhtsis and Martin Wimpress, but also to Jeremy Bicha for constant advice and Aron Xu for joining the Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team and merging all the Ubuntu zesty and artful branches back to master). Fully Available on all Debian-supported Architectures The very special thing about this MATE 1.18 release for Debian is that MATE is now available on all Debian hardware architectures. See "Buildd" column on our DDPO overview page [1]. Thanks to all the people from the Debian porters realm for providing feedback to my porting questions. References

31 August 2017

Martin-Éric Racine: Firefox slow as HEL even after boosting RAM from 4GB to 16GB

The title says it all: Firefox is the only piece of software that shows zero sign of improvement in its performance after quadrupling the amount of RAM installed on my 64-bit desktop computer. All other applications show a significant boost in performance. Yet, among all the applications I use, Firefox is the one that most needed this speed boost. To say that this is a major disapointment is an understatement. FFS, Mozilla devs!

20 August 2017

Vincent Bernat: IPv6 route lookup on Linux

TL;DR: With its implementation of IPv6 routing tables using radix trees, Linux offers subpar performance (450 ns for a full view 40,000 routes) compared to IPv4 (50 ns for a full view 500,000 routes) but fair memory usage (20 MiB for a full view).
In a previous article, we had a look at IPv4 route lookup on Linux. Let s see how different IPv6 is.

Lookup trie implementation Looking up a prefix in a routing table comes down to find the most specific entry matching the requested destination. A common structure for this task is the trie, a tree structure where each node has its parent as prefix. With IPv4, Linux uses a level-compressed trie (or LPC-trie), providing good performances with low memory usage. For IPv6, Linux uses a more classic radix tree (or Patricia trie). There are three reasons for not sharing:
  • The IPv6 implementation (introduced in Linux 2.1.8, 1996) predates the IPv4 implementation based on LPC-tries (in Linux 2.6.13, commit 19baf839ff4a).
  • The feature set is different. Notably, IPv6 supports source-specific routing1 (since Linux 2.1.120, 1998).
  • The IPv4 address space is denser than the IPv6 address space. Level-compression is therefore quite efficient with IPv4. This may not be the case with IPv6.
The trie in the below illustration encodes 6 prefixes: Radix tree For more in-depth explanation on the different ways to encode a routing table into a trie and a better understanding of radix trees, see the explanations for IPv4. The following figure shows the in-memory representation of the previous radix tree. Each node corresponds to a struct fib6_node. When a node has the RTN_RTINFO flag set, it embeds a pointer to a struct rt6_info containing information about the next-hop. Memory representation of a routing table The fib6_lookup_1() function walks the radix tree in two steps:
  1. walking down the tree to locate the potential candidate, and
  2. checking the candidate and, if needed, backtracking until a match.
Here is a slightly simplified version without source-specific routing:
static struct fib6_node *fib6_lookup_1(struct fib6_node *root,
                                       struct in6_addr  *addr)
    struct fib6_node *fn;
    __be32 dir;
    /* Step 1: locate potential candidate */
    fn = root;
    for (;;)  
        struct fib6_node *next;
        dir = addr_bit_set(addr, fn->fn_bit);
        next = dir ? fn->right : fn->left;
        if (next)  
            fn = next;
    /* Step 2: check prefix and backtrack if needed */
    while (fn)  
        if (fn->fn_flags & RTN_RTINFO)  
            struct rt6key *key;
            key = fn->leaf->rt6i_dst;
            if (ipv6_prefix_equal(&key->addr, addr, key->plen))  
                if (fn->fn_flags & RTN_RTINFO)
                    return fn;
        if (fn->fn_flags & RTN_ROOT)
        fn = fn->parent;
    return NULL;

Caching While IPv4 lost its route cache in Linux 3.6 (commit 5e9965c15ba8), IPv6 still has a caching mechanism. However cache entries are directly put in the radix tree instead of a distinct structure. Since Linux 2.1.30 (1997) and until Linux 4.2 (commit 45e4fd26683c), almost any successful route lookup inserts a cache entry in the radix tree. For example, a router forwarding a ping between 2001:db8:1::1 and 2001:db8:3::1 would get those two cache entries:
$ ip -6 route show cache
2001:db8:1::1 dev r2-r1  metric 0
2001:db8:3::1 via 2001:db8:2::2 dev r2-r3  metric 0
These entries are cleaned up by the ip6_dst_gc() function controlled by the following parameters:
$ sysctl -a   grep -F net.ipv6.route
net.ipv6.route.gc_elasticity = 9
net.ipv6.route.gc_interval = 30
net.ipv6.route.gc_min_interval = 0
net.ipv6.route.gc_min_interval_ms = 500
net.ipv6.route.gc_thresh = 1024
net.ipv6.route.gc_timeout = 60
net.ipv6.route.max_size = 4096
net.ipv6.route.mtu_expires = 600
The garbage collector is triggered at most every 500 ms when there are more than 1024 entries or at least every 30 seconds. The garbage collection won t run for more than 60 seconds, except if there are more than 4096 routes. When running, it will first delete entries older than 30 seconds. If the number of cache entries is still greater than 4096, it will continue to delete more recent entries (but no more recent than 512 jiffies, which is the value of gc_elasticity) after a 500 ms pause. Starting from Linux 4.2 (commit 45e4fd26683c), only a PMTU exception would create a cache entry. A router doesn t have to handle those exceptions, so only hosts would get cache entries. And they should be pretty rare. Martin KaFai Lau explains:
Out of all IPv6 RTF_CACHE routes that are created, the percentage that has a different MTU is very small. In one of our end-user facing proxy server, only 1k out of 80k RTF_CACHE routes have a smaller MTU. For our DC traffic, there is no MTU exception.
Here is how a cache entry with a PMTU exception looks like:
$ ip -6 route show cache
2001:db8:1::50 via 2001:db8:1::13 dev out6  metric 0
    cache  expires 573sec mtu 1400 pref medium

Performance We consider three distinct scenarios:
Excerpt of an Internet full view
In this scenario, Linux acts as an edge router attached to the default-free zone. Currently, the size of such a routing table is a little bit above 40,000 routes.
/48 prefixes spread linearly with different densities
Linux acts as a core router inside a datacenter. Each customer or rack gets one or several /48 networks, which need to be routed around. With a density of 1, /48 subnets are contiguous.
/128 prefixes spread randomly in a fixed /108 subnet
Linux acts as a leaf router for a /64 subnet with hosts getting their IP using autoconfiguration. It is assumed all hosts share the same OUI and therefore, the first 40 bits are fixed. In this scenario, neighbor reachability information for the /64 subnet are converted into routes by some external process and redistributed among other routers sharing the same subnet2.

Route lookup performance With the help of a small kernel module, we can accurately benchmark3 the ip6_route_output_flags() function and correlate the results with the radix tree size: Maximum depth and lookup time Getting meaningful results is challenging due to the size of the address space. None of the scenarios have a fallback route and we only measure time for successful hits4. For the full view scenario, only the range from 2400::/16 to 2a06::/16 is scanned (it contains more than half of the routes). For the /128 scenario, the whole /108 subnet is scanned. For the /48 scenario, the range from the first /48 to the last one is scanned. For each range, 5000 addresses are picked semi-randomly. This operation is repeated until we get 5000 hits or until 1 million tests have been executed. The relation between the maximum depth and the lookup time is incomplete and I can t explain the difference of performance between the different densities of the /48 scenario. We can extract two important performance points:
  • With a full view, the lookup time is 450 ns. This is almost ten times the budget for forwarding at 10 Gbps which is about 50 ns.
  • With an almost empty routing table, the lookup time is 150 ns. This is still over the time budget for forwarding at 10 Gbps.
With IPv4, the lookup time for an almost empty table was 20 ns while the lookup time for a full view (500,000 routes) was a bit above 50 ns. How to explain such a difference? First, the maximum depth of the IPv4 LPC-trie with 500,000 routes was 6, while the maximum depth of the IPv6 radix tree for 40,000 routes is 40. Second, while both IPv4 s fib_lookup() and IPv6 s ip6_route_output_flags() functions have a fixed cost implied by the evaluation of routing rules, IPv4 has several optimizations when the rules are left unmodified5. Those optimizations are removed on the first modification. If we cancel those optimizations, the lookup time for IPv4 is impacted by about 30 ns. This still leaves a 100 ns difference with IPv6 to be explained. Let s compare how time is spent in each lookup function. Here is a CPU flamegraph for IPv4 s fib_lookup(): IPv4 route lookup flamegraph Only 50% of the time is spent in the actual route lookup. The remaining time is spent evaluating the routing rules (about 30 ns). This ratio is dependent on the number of routes we inserted (only 1000 in this example). It should be noted the fib_table_lookup() function is executed twice: once with the local routing table and once with the main routing table. The equivalent flamegraph for IPv6 s ip6_route_output_flags() is depicted below: IPv6 route lookup flamegraph Here is an approximate breakdown on the time spent:
  • 50% is spent in the route lookup in the main table,
  • 15% is spent in handling locking (IPv4 is using the more efficient RCU mechanism),
  • 5% is spent in the route lookup of the local table,
  • most of the remaining is spent in routing rule evaluation (about 100 ns)6.
Why does the evaluation of routing rules is less efficient with IPv6? Again, I don t have a definitive answer.

History The following graph shows the performance progression of route lookups through Linux history: IPv6 route lookup performance progression All kernels are compiled with GCC 4.9 (from Debian Jessie). This version is able to compile older kernels as well as current ones. The kernel configuration is the default one with CONFIG_SMP, CONFIG_IPV6, CONFIG_IPV6_MULTIPLE_TABLES and CONFIG_IPV6_SUBTREES options enabled. Some other unrelated options are enabled to be able to boot them in a virtual machine and run the benchmark. There are three notable performance changes:
  • In Linux 3.1, Eric Dumazet delays a bit the copy of route metrics to fix the undesirable sharing of route-specific metrics by all cache entries (commit 21efcfa0ff27). Each cache entry now gets its own metrics, which explains the performance hit for the non-/128 scenarios.
  • In Linux 3.9, Yoshifuji Hideaki removes the reference to the neighbor entry in struct rt6_info (commit 887c95cc1da5). This should have lead to a performance increase. The small regression may be due to cache-related issues.
  • In Linux 4.2, Martin KaFai Lau prevents the creation of cache entries for most route lookups. The most sensible performance improvement comes with commit 4b32b5ad31a6. The second one is from commit 45e4fd26683c, which effectively removes creation of cache entries, except for PMTU exceptions.

Insertion performance Another interesting performance-related metric is the insertion time. Linux is able to insert a full view in less than two seconds. For some reason, the insertion time is not linear above 50,000 routes and climbs very fast to 60 seconds for 500,000 routes. Insertion time Despite its more complex insertion logic, the IPv4 subsystem is able to insert 2 million routes in less than 10 seconds.

Memory usage Radix tree nodes (struct fib6_node) and routing information (struct rt6_info) are allocated with the slab allocator7. It is therefore possible to extract the information from /proc/slabinfo when the kernel is booted with the slab_nomerge flag:
# sed -ne 2p -e '/^ip6_dst/p' -e '/^fib6_nodes/p' /proc/slabinfo   cut -f1 -d:
   name            <active_objs> <num_objs> <objsize> <objperslab> <pagesperslab>
fib6_nodes         76101  76104     64   63    1
ip6_dst_cache      40090  40090    384   10    1
In the above example, the used memory is 76104 64+40090 384 bytes (about 20 MiB). The number of struct rt6_info matches the number of routes while the number of nodes is roughly twice the number of routes: Nodes The memory usage is therefore quite predictable and reasonable, as even a small single-board computer can support several full views (20 MiB for each): Memory usage The LPC-trie used for IPv4 is more efficient: when 512 MiB of memory is needed for IPv6 to store 1 million routes, only 128 MiB are needed for IPv4. The difference is mainly due to the size of struct rt6_info (336 bytes) compared to the size of IPv4 s struct fib_alias (48 bytes): IPv4 puts most information about next-hops in struct fib_info structures that are shared with many entries.

Conclusion The takeaways from this article are:
  • upgrade to Linux 4.2 or more recent to avoid excessive caching,
  • route lookups are noticeably slower compared to IPv4 (by an order of magnitude),
  • CONFIG_IPV6_MULTIPLE_TABLES option incurs a fixed penalty of 100 ns by lookup,
  • memory usage is fair (20 MiB for 40,000 routes).
Compared to IPv4, IPv6 in Linux doesn t foster the same interest, notably in term of optimizations. Hopefully, things are changing as its adoption and use at scale are increasing.

  1. For a given destination prefix, it s possible to attach source-specific prefixes:
    ip -6 route add 2001:db8:1::/64 \
      from 2001:db8:3::/64 \
      via fe80::1 \
      dev eth0
    Lookup is first done on the destination address, then on the source address.
  2. This is quite different of the classic scenario where Linux acts as a gateway for a /64 subnet. In this case, the neighbor subsystem stores the reachability information for each host and the routing table only contains a single /64 prefix.
  3. The measurements are done in a virtual machine with one vCPU and no neighbors. The host is an Intel Core i5-4670K running at 3.7 GHz during the experiment (CPU governor set to performance). The benchmark is single-threaded. Many lookups are performed and the result reported is the median value. Timings of individual runs are computed from the TSC.
  4. Most of the packets in the network are expected to be routed to a destination. However, this also means the backtracking code path is not used in the /128 and /48 scenarios. Having a fallback route gives far different results and make it difficult to ensure we explore the address space correctly.
  5. The exact same optimizations could be applied for IPv6. Nobody did it yet.
  6. Compiling out table support effectively removes those last 100 ns.
  7. There is also per-CPU pointers allocated directly (4 bytes per entry per CPU on a 64-bit architecture). We ignore this detail.

18 August 2017

Mike Gabriel: @DebConf17: Ad-hoc BoF: Bits from the Debian+Ubuntu MATE Packaging Team

On Tuesday, late afternoon, at DebConf17, I offered an ad-hoc BoF about the current status of the MATE Desktop packaging efforts in Debian and Ubuntu. I need to get this written down, before DebConf17 feels too far away... Unfortunately, I scheduled that BoF with Joey Hess's talk about his post-Debian life, which attracted many people. So, only a small group of people came together to share and discuss about the current status of MATE in Debian and Ubuntu. Ongoing efforts around MATE in Debian and Ubuntu A quick summary of ongoing efforts was provided and also a collection of URLs for reporting bugs, looking up packaging status, etc. was listed: Cross-Distro Packaging Workflow The workflow of Debian and Ubuntu packaging in the MATE Packaging Team was described in detail (basically, all packages go through Debian, only exception being freeze states of this or that distro) and the benefit of the close cooperation between the two projects underlined. We reduce the packaging effort tremendously by working very closely together. In the past, we (Martin Wimpress and myself) also invited the people from Linux Mint to join our cross-distro packaging efforts, but so far to no avail. Also the packaging for the Parrot Security OS has recently been integrated in our packaging Git repository. Requested / Upcoming Improvements From people attending the BoF, I got these main inputs, which I hope to accomplish with the help of all, for Debian buster: Another project that I will also work on for Debian buster is proper Ayatana Indicator support for Debian's MATE Desktop. Credits Thanks to all the people attending the BoF for your sharings and input. Feel invited to contribute to our team's effort in improving the user experience of the MATE Destkop Environment in Debian (and Ubuntu, and ...). Also a big thanks to the people already on the team for bringing MATE in Debian to where it is now. Good work, folks!

2 August 2017

Markus Koschany: My Free Software Activities in July 2017

Welcome to Here is my monthly report that covers what I have been doing for Debian. If you re interested in Java, Games and LTS topics, this might be interesting for you. Debian Games Debian Java Debian LTS This was my seventeenth month as a paid contributor and I have been paid to work 23,5 hours on Debian LTS, a project started by Rapha l Hertzog. In that time I did the following: Non-maintainer upload Thanks for reading and see you next time.

31 July 2017

Norbert Preining: Calibre in Debian

Some news about Calibre in Debian: I have been added to the list of maintainers, thanks Martin, and the recent release of Calibre 3.4 into Debian/unstable brought some fixes concerning the desktop integration. Now I am working on Calibre 3.5. Calibre 3.5 separates out one module, html5-parser, into a separate package which needs to be included into Debian first. I have prepared and uploaded a version, but NEW processing will keep this package from entering Debian for a while. Other things I am currently doing is going over the list of bugs and try to fix or close as many as possible. Finally the endless Rar support story still continues. I still don t have any response from the maintainer of unrar-nonfree in Debian, so I am contemplating to package my own version of libunrar. As I wrote in the previous post, Calibre now checks whether the Python module unrardll is available, and if, uses it to decode rar-packed ebooks. I have a package for unrardll ready to be uploaded, but it needs the shared library version, and thus I am stuck waiting for unrar-nonfree. Anyway, to help all those wanting to play with the latest Calibre, my archive nowadays contains: Together these packages provide the newest Calibre with Rar support.
deb calibre main
deb-src calibre main
The releases are signed with my Debian key 0x6CACA448860CDC13 Enjoy

18 July 2017

Norbert Preining: Calibre and rar support

Thanks to the cooperation with upstream authors and the maintainer Martin Pitt, the Calibre package in Debian is now up-to-date at version 3.4.0, and has adopted a more standard packaging following upstream. In particular, all the desktop files and man pages have been replaced by what is shipped by Calibre. What remains to be done is work on RAR support.
Rar support is necessary in the case that the eBook uses rar as compression, which happens quite often in comic books (cbr extension). Calibre 3 has split out rar support into a dynamically loaded module, so what needs to be done is packaging it. I have prepared a package for the Python library unrardll which allows Calibre to read rar-compressed ebooks, but it depends on the unrar shared library, which unfortunately is not built in Debian. I have sent a patch to fix this to the maintainer, see bug 720051, but without reaction from the maintainer. Thus, I am publishing updated packages for unrar shipping also libunrar5, and unrardll Python package in my calibre repository. After installing python-unrardll Calibre will happily import meta-data from rar-compressed eBooks, as well as display them.
deb calibre main
deb-src calibre main
The releases are signed with my Debian key 0x6CACA448860CDC13 Enjoy

2 July 2017

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (May and June 2017)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

